If you're interested in any form of collaboration, please get in touch.

Without a challenge, there can be no change.

The studio was formed in 2014 as a design collaborator, joining teams at Accenture, Salesforce, AT&T, and the U.S. Department of Defense, adding new capabilities, offering more ideas, and expanding their impact.

Since then, we've ​joined forces with mission-driven organizations, ​small businesses, and global brands​ to collaborate on projects spanning luxury real-estate, architecture, fintech, and healthcare ventures, as well as education, and school safety technology.

In 2024, we're focused on partnering with  nonprofits, and professional associations to design products, services, and technology that absolutely must exist.

Let's create something new, together.

Jeff's bio from a mentor event with Sam Adams.

Jeff McWeeney

Experience Designer
Fractional CDO

CV 2024
Book 1:1 Meeting


Jeff's a designer, technologist, and senior creative executive. He's spent the last 20+ years creating simple, meaningful digital experiences alongside pioneering teams.

He's relentless in his focus on story, and how it elevates design, and brings technology to life in service of what people truly need.

Jeff's played a role in creating industry-leading experiences for AstraZeneca, Salesforce, Southwest Airlines, TD Bank, U.S. Air Force, as well as Revlon, AT&T, McDonald’s, Google, and the NFL Player's Association.

And perhaps his most ambitious project yet, building ZeroNow, a nonprofit to make schools safer for good. It's fueled by pioneering technology partners including Microsoft, Genetec, and Intel, as well as Axis Communications, Omnilert, and Johnson Controls.

Reinventing business is essential for a better world.

  • If the status quo isn’t challenged, how can there be change?
  • What if all businesses prioritized the planet over profit?
  • What’s preventing inclusion from operating as the norm?
  • Can ethics make culture more resilient, and future proof?
  • What if joy was a feature, and became a leading KPI?
  • Is beauty missing, or is it compromised by technology?
  • When has a purchase made you feel something genuine?
  • Why isn’t creativity at the center of every business model?

Let's create something new, together.

Overlapping circles forming a focus on design.

Designing in service of what people need.

Our process is based on results, tied to objectives, and led by what success looks like — all in service of what the end-user needs to accomplish, needs to feel, and needs to thrive.


Collaborate with people closest to the problem, and learn everything that needs to happen to remove it from existence — from edits to a brand story, creation of new content, or advice on where to begin.

Design Strategy

Decide on the next move — and the one after — should be to produce the most impactful, and cost-effective direction.

Design Direction

Assemble, and prototype what the complete experience looks like, and how it works to overcome the problem. Craft the functional user experience, interface, and visual expression to get the job done alongside the technical team.

Technical Direction

Bring the overall experience to life with the best available technologies, or engineer something entirely new, and proprietary.

Technical Engineering

Expand or introduce a suite of technology, including Adobe Experience Manager, as well as other emerging platforms to build modern, scalable digital experiences.

Content Direction

Create or curate content libraries, ranging from photography, illustration, and infographics to 3D, film, and motion in support of introducing the solution to the customer.


It's been a privilege to guide, contribute, and collaborate with some of the world's most pioneering organizations, and their leadership.

American Electric Power
G4S Security
Mondeléz International
Southwest Airlines
TD Bank
U.S. Department of Defense